About Press For Change

PRESS FOR CHANGE is a growing greeting card collection designed by emerging artists who represent diverse identities and backgrounds. A portion of the sales of these cards is donated to causes chosen by each artist. Non-profits include Black Resilience Fund, Black Trans Femmes in the Arts, Loveland Foundation, Okra Project, Marsha P Johnson Fund (Q Center), Rainier Valley Corps Seattle, Sisters of the Road, and Trans Women of Color Collective.
Pace Taylor @pacetaylor.jpeg
Elizabeth McConaughy-Oliver @ghyoliver
Maria Rodriguez @sparkykneecap
Christopher Gale @kidtofer
Stevie Shao @stepfrae
Tristan T.K. Irving @t.k.503rd
Leif J Lee @leifjlee
Sonya Montenegro @thefarwoods
Nia Musiba @niamusiba
Jackie Brown @jackfacekillah
Video by Jess Gibson